
October 3, 2011

Generation Y

Watch the video and take notes on the following:
  1. Political views of the teenagers
  2. Important values/issues
  3. ID with Generation Y
Write your notes in the comment section of the blog.


  1. Most of the teenagers who are part of Generation Y don't care about policy. It's just not that important to them. What's important to them is the climate changes, environmental issues, the women's rights, gay marriage, friends, vacations, having fun, having a good life and enjoy it. This generation's members identify themselves as addicted to technology, being able to travel away from home and still feel at home and not having so many common values.

  2. 1. They, mostly follow, is parents opinion, about politics. Some of them are republican, and want to make progress.

    2. The enviromental issues, they want to have good life, they like to be with friends and have some vacations.

    3. Like tecnology, think that can do anything, have problems with common values.

  3. adriano martins6/10/11 13:30

    The most of the tennagers don´t follow politic.
    For the peoples in this interview the most important values are: women´s rights, the environment and to have a good life, so we can see that those people are interested for something.
    The ID of generation Y is basically about technology.

  4. Those teenagers had some very different political views, but most of them shared the same means to achieve from that political view and the same love for technology, but most of them look like they only knew the basics of the party they support (like it is expected from a teenager),without bothering to know much about them.
    It makes me think that they probably are just in a certain party because they want to be able to state their identity, to be able to say they are from that certain party and not to be really a part of that party and try to make a difference.

  5. Francisco (10ºM)6/10/11 22:49

    Well, about Political views they say that don't like or are interested in politics... About Important values/issues they show their interest about women's rights, the problems of the planet and climate changes, their friends, their trips and of course enjoy their life.
    ID with Generation Y: They show their love about technologies and like to travel away from home and still feel at home. They also have a few common values !

  6. Alexandre Pancadas7/10/11 09:49

    1- They don't care that much about policy.
    2- What's important to them is climate changes, gay marriage, woman's rights, friends, having fun and enjoying their lifes.
    3- They identify themselves as a generation dependent on techology, having the hability of traveling away from home and still feel at home. They don't have too many common values.

  7. Sandra Duarte Nº17 10ºM9/10/11 19:37

    The political views of teenagers are not very expansive once most of them aren´t active in politics, ore don´t even care for it.But they are mostly republican because they have been taught by their parents to be it. Generation Y does not posseses many values, but mostly they care about the environment and having a fun life, they care more about being happy than about having money or independence. As for their ID, they definitly are the tecnology generation, once it started to have more impact pratically on their birthdates.And it´s also a generation marked for having access to things much more easily than the generations before (such as travelling, college, elctronics, money,etc).

  8. Miguel Filipe11/10/11 19:40

    In Generation Y the teenagers don't care about politics at least the most part.
    What is more impotant to them is their friends, their vacations, having fun and have a good life.
    And what identifies Generation Y is the technology.

  9. Roberto susana13/10/11 11:52

    1. Political views of the teenagers:
    a) they are not political active;
    b) they sympathise with different parties;

    2. Important values/issues
    a) they have environmental concerns;
    b) they consider the work an important matter;
    c) they consider it very important to have friends.

    3. ID Generatin Y
    a) they like new technologies and the current ease of mobility of people.
