
October 15, 2011

Writing a paragraph

As you know, a well written paragraph follows a simple structure:

  1. It starts with a topic sentence that states very clearly the paragraph's main idea.
  2. The sentences that follow are called supporting or secondary sentences because they provide details, direct evidence, illustrations or personal remarks about the idea presented by the topic sentence.
Please write your paragraph into the comment section of this post.


  1. I want to go to the Air Force because I like to be at high altitudes. I already flyed at that altitudes, and there we can see the earth’s curvature, which is something beautiful. I like high speeds too. At high speeds we get an injection of adrenalin to the human body, that is an exceptional feeling. At high speed we see earth passing by us really fast.
    For all these reasons, I really want to go to the Air Force.

  2. Why I dislike mainstream music

    There are a lot of reasons why I don't like mainstream music. One reason is that mainstream music is made to sell and doesn't have the emotional feeling that in my opinion is very important. Another reason is that mainstream music will never be a single because its music that is made for that year and that year only. Finally mainstream music is made with computer and programs to make the voice sound good and I don't really like that. I think music is about feelings and real instruments like the guitar, drums and bass.
    For all these reason, I will never like a mainstream song.

  3. Sandra Duarte Nº17 10ºM16/10/11 18:24

    There are three reasons why I want to be a successful student. The first reason is to get a good job. It´s important to have a job that we like and one that pays the bills too. The second reason is because I like to be good at what I do. When we work hard and achieve something it feels like we own the world. The third and last reason is to make my parents proud. They´ve worked all their lives so that I could study and enter college. For all these reasons I want to be a successful student.

  4. There are three reasons why I dislike school. One of them is because there are too many people in my school. Some people may like crowds but I don’t, it’s a negative thing in my point of view. Another reason why I dislike school is because students have to study subjects that they will NEVER use in their future life. I don’t need to learn Geology if I plan on having a job related to computers. Finally, I dislike school because my time table is horrible. I only have one free afternoon. I really don’t hate school, but these are the main negative parts in my opinion, which overthrow the good ones.
    For all these reasons, I dislike school.

  5. There are three reasons why I want to be a successful student. First of all, I want to go to college. I would love to have a great job as a doctor. The second reason why I want to be a successful student is that I want to be clever. In my opinion, everyone should be smart and cultured enough to be someone in this society. The third reason why I want to be a successful student is that I want to be a successful person. I want to have success in everything I do. Everyone should think that if they do things, they should give their best. And those are the reasons why I want to be a successful student.

  6. Yuri Lopes16/10/11 20:50

    There are a few reasons why I want to be a successful student. The first one is because it would make everyone proud. That's important because I like seeing my family and friends happy for and proud of me. The other reason is because it would mean that I am an intelligent person. It is good because being intelligent is always good and because it would raise my self-esteem. The last reason is that I want to be the one chosing my grades, and not my grades chosing my job. As I want a good job, it is important for me to have good grades, so I can chose it. For all these reasons, I think it is very important to be a successful student.

  7. Luis Silva nº1016/10/11 21:14

    There are a few reasons why like this school .The first one is because it is very big and open air. The second reason is because I like most of the teachers and classes. The third and main reason why I like this school are the people. In this school there aren´t little kids screaming and running all over the place and that is on of the most annoying things in the world.

  8. Miguel Filipe16/10/11 22:30

    There are many reasons why I want to be a successful student. The main reasonis that I whant to compliche my dream that is enter in the medicine univercity. And today is more difficult then ever to compliche that objetive. Another reason is that if I enter in that univercity course and after I have a job in that area I would have a good life.For these reasons, I need to be a successful student.

  9. There are a lot of reasons why I hate school. The first reason is life is short, so you've got to live it. I only realized that a year ago.
    Another reason is because I think the system is all wrong. When we are young and we have the will and the energy we should have the freedom to run and play and not to stay hours behind a desk (or table) studying and hurting the "little grey cells".
    The last reason is that because of the crisis there are a lot of stupid rules at school. At least at the schools of our country.
    That's why I hate school.

  10. Francisco Gonçalves, n.º717/10/11 22:25

    Well, I think i loved to be a successful student because my parents will be very proud, and I will proud of myself too.
    What keeps me motivated is when I think in my future and how I will build it. I'm focused on living my future. Actually, I don't care about the present... I just want to build an excellent future.
    If I'm not a sucessful student, I will not have the future I've always dreamed... in London... happy.

  11. André Nascimento19/10/11 18:30

    There are three reasons why I dislike television. The first one is the commercial breaks. They're very long and there are too many of them. The second reason is the shows that the networks air. Most of the shows are bad, and those who are worth watching, either they rarely get aired or they get aired too often, and the networks are always replaying the same episodes, which makes them boring. The last reason is, why waste time and money with giant commercial breaks and bad TV shows (which often have bad subtitles or translations) when you can watch whatever you want, whenever you want on the internet for free?

  12. Why I dislike Justin Bieber
    There are three main reasons why I hate Justin Bieber. The first reason is about his personality. He thinks that just because he is rich he can do whatever he wants. The second reason is because I don´t like his music. His music doesn´t express anything, it´s the typical mainstream music for kids. The third and last reason is about how he gets famous. I think he didn´t work very much to be famous or to have a good music, I like artists who have made some sacrifices to be a successful artist and in my opinion the most important for Justin Bieber is to be famous and not to be a good singer. For all these reason I hate Justin Bieber.
